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The Christian Ministry Association is a professional association for all people involved in Christian ministry. It is ecumenical and global, and although based in London, England, is here for Christian workers and service providers around the world.

The CMA welcomes professional members whether: lay or ordained, full, part time or retired, male and female, from all Christian denominations, who are involved in Christian ministry. Friends and supporters of the CMA are welcome to join too as associate members.

This web site is a forum for professional and social interaction and fellowship between those working in Christian ministry; and of course their families and friends too! It is also here to present relevant information and to let everyone know what is going on in the CMA and in the world of Christian ministry. As with other professional associations, we hope to be representative of our members wherever possible. Clearly, as a new association, we cannot do everything, but we hope to do more as membership increases.

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